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In a recent interview with, Hope Solo admitted for the first time that her shoulder was a wreck during the 2011 World Cup: where the the U.S. lost to Japan in the final. Kind of surprising, since she was named best goalkeeper and third best player overall in the tourney. What could have happened if she were at full strength?
Anyone who watched Solo?s outstanding performances at Germany 2011 would never have guessed she was still suffering from the after-effects of her shoulder operation throughout the tournament. ?I had no business being on the field at the World Cup really,? admitted the 30-year-old. ?I was in a lot of pain. I took a lot of medicine which helped me get through day-to-day training.?
Solo didn?t actually say that she was doped up during the games, although that would have been something, eh? Solo went on to a series of high-profile appearances (among them Dancing With the Stars, ESPN The Body nude photos) that make Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow look like wallflowers. Her adventurous spirit stems from a tumultuous upbringing, she said.
?I?ve been through a lot of things in my personal and family life,? Solo revealed to in an exclusive interview. ?That turned me into a fighter. I always strive to be the best I possibly can. I think it?s my personality to overcome things, learn from them and become stronger, both personally and professionally. To be honest, I welcome those hardships. I don?t fear them. I face them head-on and try to become a better person.?
Exactly what those things might be are shrouded in mystery ? unless she?s talking about things like being benched in 2007 and shoulder surgery in 2010, which I doubt she is.
Solo says she plans on going for her second gold medal in the London Olympics, and competing in the 2015 World Cup in Canada (when she?ll be 33).
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Appearing on ABC's This Week, Rick Santorum elaborated on his statement that watching John F. Kennedy's 1960 speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association made him want to "throw up." Especially purgative, apparently, is the idea that a president should openly declare his reluctance to take advice from members of the clergy. Candidate Santorum favors a more fluid relationship between church and state, a sentiment he supports with reference to the free exercise clause of the First Amendment.
As is so often the case with GOP rhetoric, Santorum's statements amount to clamorous half-knowing. (He said in the same interview that all university professors are liberals, which is also half-true; some of us are social democrats.) He is right to question the extent to which religion and politics are distinct realms in the American tradition. Many secularists will instinctively point to the establishment clause of the First Amendment as imposing a separation of church and state. But that view is not quite right. In its 1791 context the establishment clause did not impose an absolute barrier between religious institutions and government: several states in the union had official religions, so the amendment's guarantee that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" assures the states that the new federal government would not impose its will upon them in this regard. It is only much later -- often said to be the Supreme Court's decision in Everson v. Board of Education (1947), though arguably not until Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) -- that something resembling a full separation of church and state can be said to have taken place.
Santorum is also right that an institutional separation of church and state, even if absolute, does not legitimize the removal of belief statements from the "public square." The First Amendment's free exercise clause does indeed recognize that Congress should not abridge an individual's expressions of conscience. The view that non-belief is a more legitimate form of public discourse than belief is a twentieth-century creature, finding its peak in the judicial assault on religious schooling. Secularists who applaud that assault might pause to wonder if inner-city education has thrived after the de-funding of Catholic schools. And we must wonder more generally if the liberal justification for a secular public sphere holds up to scrutiny: by its logic we must demand that believers leave their beliefs at home and make public statements in the language of reason. It is a logic ironically marginalizing individuals in the name of equality.
But free exercise also has elements flatly contradicting Santorum's position. The clause distills the liberty of conscience tradition, with its emphasis on an individual's right to follow divine will without the interference of worldly authority. It is a tradition deeply hostile to Roman Catholicism. From the Protestant idea of the priesthood of the believer arises antipathy toward the Catholic Church's claim infallibly to embody God's will and to be through its hierarchy the gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Heaven. In Protestant thought such claims are viewed as an arrogation of divine authority and come to be associated with the wiles of Satan -- it was simply taken for granted by early Protestants that the pope was Antichrist's chief agent on Earth. Under this view, liberty of conscience is threatened not only by the over-reaching magistrate, but also by the over-reaching priest. In the speech that Santorum finds so nauseating, Kennedy recognizes that churches can threaten free exercise by using state power to advance their interests: "I am wholly opposed to the state being used to the state being used by any religious group, Catholic or Protestant, to compel, prohibit, or persecute the free exercise of any other religion."
Santorum may thus be surprised to learn that the ideas underpinning the free exercise clause seek to limit the church's power, and that they are particularly opposed to the church of which he is a member. He is correct in saying that the free exercise clause protects the right of individuals to express religious views in the public square, but he is wrong to say that this amounts to a porous relationship between church and state.
The First Amendment is complex; Rick Santorum is less so. We know this already. Much more alarming is the Supreme Court getting the principles of establishment and free exercise wrong in its recent 9-0 decision in Hosanna-Tabor. But that requires a separate post.
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The most successful people I know have a favorite self improvement technique they credit for at least some degree of their success. Most often the self improvement technique is attributed to financial successs, but the best techniques can be used to lose weight, increase your self esteem, find the mate of your dreams, reduce stress, achieve inner peace and so much more.
Searching the Internet you will find a growing number of self improvement techniques on the market; a few good ? many just ebooks thrown together by paid writers who aren?t experts in the field. And still other self improvement techniques have been created by well-meaning people who lack the true expertise necessary.
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Be sure the self improvement technique you decide to invest your time and money into has been developed by a credentialed expert in that subject. There is plenty of useful information on a wide variety of self improvement techniques, however you will also discover a lot of useless information available from scammers and self proclaimed experts that really won?t tell you anything new or different when it comes to self improvement techniques. So it?s a good idea to visit some discussion groups on the self improvement technique you?re interested in to find out which ones are truly good and effective. That way, you won?t waste your time, or, more important, your money.
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SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) ? A panel of advisers to the Food and Drug Administration overwhelmingly backed approval for a highly anticipated anti-obesity pill from Vivus Inc., a drug which the FDA previously rejected due to safety concerns.
The FDA panel of outside physicians voted 20-2 in favor of the weight loss drug Qnexa, setting the stage for a potential comeback for a drug that has been plagued by side effects since it was first submitted to the agency in 2010.
A majority of panelists ultimately backed the drug due to its impressive weight loss results, with most patients reporting nearly 10 percent weight loss. But the group stressed the importance of confirming the drug's safety, particularly its effects the heart, by tracking patients in a large, follow-up study. FDA's decision is expected in April.
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Contact: Diana Yates
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
CHAMPAIGN, lll. A small population of rattlesnakes that already is in decline in southern Illinois faces a new and unexpected threat in the form of a fungus rarely seen in the wild, researchers report. The finding matches reports of rattlesnake deaths in the northeast United States.
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus), a candidate for protection under the federal Endangered Species Act, suffers from habitat loss and environmental stresses wherever it is found, said University of Illinois comparative biosciences visiting instructor and wildlife veterinarian Matthew Allender, who led the health investigation. Long-term population studies of the snake in Illinois and elsewhere had never turned up evidence of debilitating fungal infections. But in 2008, biologists studying the snake reported to Allender that they had found three sick snakes in a park in southern Illinois, all with disfiguring lesions on their heads. The snakes died within three weeks of their discovery. A fourth snake with a similar syndrome was discovered in the same park in the spring of 2010.
Allender conducted necropsies on the snakes and identified the pathogen that had killed them: Chrysosporium, a fungus that plagues portions of the pet reptile industry but is not normally seen in the wild, he said.
"Chrysosporium causes disease in bearded dragons and in other snakes and it's a bad bug," Allender said. "We see it in captive animals worldwide, but we don't typically find it in free-ranging animals."
Chrysosporium also is emerging as a dangerous infection in humans with weakened immune systems, he said.
Shortly after he first presented his findings at a meeting of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Allender heard from other biologists about similar infections in snakes in the northeast United States.
"They seem to be having a similar problem in timber rattlesnakes in New Hampshire and Massachusetts," Allender said. Although biologists have sporadically identified Chrysosporium in those snakes, the symptoms they report facial swelling and ulcers and malformations of the jaw are the same, he said. These infections also occurred only within the last five years.
"Fungal pathogens have been increasingly associated with free-ranging epidemics in wildlife, including the well-known effects of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on frog populations globally and white-nosed syndrome in bats," Allender wrote in a December 2011 report in Emerging Infectious Diseases. "Both of these diseases cause widespread and ongoing deaths in these populations that seriously threaten biodiversity across the United States."
Allender sees this new occurrence of a fungal infection in endangered snakes as a "yellow flag" that warrants more study.
"Wildlife diseases and human health are not that different," he said. "And often wildlife are our window into a weakened environment that leads to disease in both people and animals."
Editor's note: To contact Matthew Allender, call 217-265-0320; email
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Diana Yates
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
CHAMPAIGN, lll. A small population of rattlesnakes that already is in decline in southern Illinois faces a new and unexpected threat in the form of a fungus rarely seen in the wild, researchers report. The finding matches reports of rattlesnake deaths in the northeast United States.
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus), a candidate for protection under the federal Endangered Species Act, suffers from habitat loss and environmental stresses wherever it is found, said University of Illinois comparative biosciences visiting instructor and wildlife veterinarian Matthew Allender, who led the health investigation. Long-term population studies of the snake in Illinois and elsewhere had never turned up evidence of debilitating fungal infections. But in 2008, biologists studying the snake reported to Allender that they had found three sick snakes in a park in southern Illinois, all with disfiguring lesions on their heads. The snakes died within three weeks of their discovery. A fourth snake with a similar syndrome was discovered in the same park in the spring of 2010.
Allender conducted necropsies on the snakes and identified the pathogen that had killed them: Chrysosporium, a fungus that plagues portions of the pet reptile industry but is not normally seen in the wild, he said.
"Chrysosporium causes disease in bearded dragons and in other snakes and it's a bad bug," Allender said. "We see it in captive animals worldwide, but we don't typically find it in free-ranging animals."
Chrysosporium also is emerging as a dangerous infection in humans with weakened immune systems, he said.
Shortly after he first presented his findings at a meeting of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Allender heard from other biologists about similar infections in snakes in the northeast United States.
"They seem to be having a similar problem in timber rattlesnakes in New Hampshire and Massachusetts," Allender said. Although biologists have sporadically identified Chrysosporium in those snakes, the symptoms they report facial swelling and ulcers and malformations of the jaw are the same, he said. These infections also occurred only within the last five years.
"Fungal pathogens have been increasingly associated with free-ranging epidemics in wildlife, including the well-known effects of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on frog populations globally and white-nosed syndrome in bats," Allender wrote in a December 2011 report in Emerging Infectious Diseases. "Both of these diseases cause widespread and ongoing deaths in these populations that seriously threaten biodiversity across the United States."
Allender sees this new occurrence of a fungal infection in endangered snakes as a "yellow flag" that warrants more study.
"Wildlife diseases and human health are not that different," he said. "And often wildlife are our window into a weakened environment that leads to disease in both people and animals."
Editor's note: To contact Matthew Allender, call 217-265-0320; email
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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The Grammy-winning singer Adele might be a fresh face on the music scene this year, but she followed in the footsteps of greats when choosing a place to record her breakout album. The Shangri-La Ranch, in the hills of Malibu, Calif., has been the site of recordings by a litany of famous musicians over the years, including Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, Pete Townshend, The Band, Jackson Browne, Keith Richards, Weezer, Metallica, Tom Waits, and Crosby Stills & Nash. For Adele, it served not only as the place to record major portions of 21, it was also where the music video for "Rolling in the Deep" was shot. When we last checked in on this place in June of last year, it was up for sale for $4.1M, with the owner, record producer Rob Fraboni, fearing he would have to shut the place down for good. Then another producer, the famous Rick Rubin, swooped in to save the studio and its stunning, 40-year legacy, paying just $2M for the property.
? This Modest Malibu Ranch Has Hosted Rock 'n' Roll Greats [Curbed National]
? Adele's Studio: Where Grammy Winner Laid Down Tracks [AOL Real Estate]
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By Roger Moore
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
The new anime version of The Borrowers, titled The Secret World of Arrietty by screenwriter and ?supervisor? Hayao Miyazaki, has the fascination with household ?spirits,? the same lovely color palette and attention to detail for which his films are famous.
But Miyazaki, director of Ponyo, Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro, didn?t direct this Studio Ghibli film. Perhaps that is why it lacks his sense of whimsy, that little sprinkling of Miyazaki magic that the Japanese director has given his best work over the decades.
A scene from "The Secret World of Arrietty."
Mary Norton?s oft-filmed 60-year-old novel is about the miniature people who live in the walls and below the floorboards of old houses, creatures who borrow what they need from the ?human beans.?Every shopping trip is an expedition ? nabbing one cube of sugar that could last them months, a cracker than can be crushed to make Borrower bread. They live by two rules. ?Borrowers take only what they need,? and once they?ve been seen, it?s time to move. Those humans and their curiosity are nothing but trouble for Borrowers.
Arrietty (voice by Bridgit Mendler of TV?s Good Luck Charlie and Wizards of Waverly Place) is a 13-year-old straining at the limits of her world. She only knows her family, can only hope that there are other Borrowers, still surviving elsewhere. She sneaks outside (Miyazaki?s love of nature), tempts the evil ravens who wouldn?t mind gobbling her up as a snack ? and is spied by a sickly human boy. Shawn (voice by David Henrie) wants to help, and Arrietty wants to make contact. She sees no threat from this fellow her own age and no need to move, or even tell her parents (Amy Poehler and Will Arnett). Naturally, they see things differently.
The gorgeous pastels of Studio Ghibli films and famous attention to detail are much in evidence in this Hiromasa Yonebayashi film. The Borrowers? world of repurposed human detritus ? pins and empty spools and discarded bolts, double sided tape, which allows father Pod (Arnett) to scale the heights of a kitchen counter to fetch sugar ? is ingeniously realized.
Carol Burnett is the voice of an old housekeeper who longs for the day when she can catch a real Borrower and be exonerated from those childhood charges that she was ?crazy,? one of the film?s many lightly humorous touches. And there are hints of the larger world of Borrowers beyond this garden cottage. Norton wrote more than one book in the series, after all.
But Miyazaki, who co-wrote the script, had nowhere to take it. Either the Borrowers leave, or they stay. They?re either discovered and survive or captured and exposed. There?s no romance, no way to open up the tale, despite the fact they?re using that most fantastical film form, animation.
So as pretty as it is, this Secret World is too earthbound by far.
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What started off as a picturesque outing in Cape Town, South Africa, nearly turned deadly for Colombian singer Shakira.
No, not really.
But the singer took to her Facebook page to recount the details of a traumatic encounter she had with a sea lion while she was trying to take a photo of it with her Blackberry.
?Suddenly, one of them jumped out of the water so fast and impetuously that it got about one foot away from me, looked me in the eye, roared in fury and tried to bite me,? she wrote.??I was paralyzed by fear and couldn?t move, I just kept eye contact with it while my brother ?Super Tony? jumped over me and literally saved my life, taking me away from the beast.?
Sea lions are generally docile creatures who interact well with humans unless provoked.
Shakira proved otherwise when she posted a picture of her injuries:
We are just glad to hear that Shakira made it through the ordeal, and let?s just hope this ?beast? doesn?t strike again.
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Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:29pm EST
(The author is a Reuters contributor. The opinions expressed
are her own.)
By Kathleen Kingsbury
NEW YORK Feb 15 (Reuters) ? With a flurry of
Valentine?s Day matrimony proposals over, it could be time for
new fiancees to take a financial existence check.
Four million Americans got vigilant on Tuesday, as estimated
by an American Express consult expelled in January. Unromantic as
it competence seem, everybody needs a straightforward review about finances
before they travel down a aisle, including one that touches on
whether or not to pointer a prenuptial agreement.
?All marriages terminate, either it is in divorce or
death,? says Patricia Annino, a Boston-based profession and estate
planner. ?Signing a prenuptial agreement is declaration your
assets go where we wish them to.?
Money issues are one of a many ordinarily cited reasons for
marital strife. So, adding a vehement financial comment to
one?s matrimony to-do list competence go a prolonged approach toward minimizing
disagreements down a road.
A common myth about prenups is that they customarily apply
if one partner brings in significantly some-more resources to a
marriage, or in a box of May-December romances, where there?s
a far-reaching age gap. But they should also be deliberate by those
marrying in mid-career, or those remarrying.
?Statistics tell us that couples are marrying after in life,
after they?ve had careers and alone built their possess wealth.
Or people are marrying for a second or third time,? says Steve
Hartnett, associate executive of preparation during a American
Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys. ?These are a exact
situations where prenups are critical.?
Equally critical are situations where there are children
from a prior marriage. ?Parents will mostly wish to be sure
their children are supposing for in box of their death,? says
Elaine Morgillo, a approved financial planner in North Andover,
For younger couples, prenups are mostly sought when one
partner stands to accept a vast estate or binds a stake
in a family business. Morgillo recalls one integrate who had never
been married and had identical incomes, though a bride-to-be
expected an estate and a husband owned several rental
?Inheritances aren?t always sacred, though she wanted hers
protected and it helps to uncover intent,? Morgillo says. ?She knew
he felt a same approach about his properties.?
When her beloved of 6 years sat her down on their living
room cot final Valentine?s Day, Christen Petitt Hailey thought
she was about to get a opening cleaner. Instead, he due and
the Tampa, Florida, integrate were married final November.
?Before we were married, we came adult with an arrangement
where we always lonesome a debt and utilities, and she paid
for groceries or entertainment,? says Shaun Hailey, 36, a
mortgage underwriter. ?She had somewhat reduction income, so this
division seemed to work out to be a fairest.?
Indeed, this kind of ad hoc divvying adult is how many modern
couples hoop their finances. Many are realizing this competence not
be a smartest route, however.
?We like to contend matrimony vows currently have spin ?love,
honor, combine your finances,?? says Anthony Fittizzi, a wealth
advisor for U.S. Trust, that recently launched a financial
empowerment module to warn clients ages 20 to 35. ?Couples
don?t indispensably take into comment issues like a start-up
costs of marriage, insurance, income government or dividing
Fittizzi?s motto: Sign on a bottom line before we contend ?I
do.? Nearly a third of singular Americans pronounced they would ask
their poignant other for a prenup, according to a February
2010 check by Harris Interactive. A second poll, by a American
Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, found that 73 percent of divorce
attorneys had seen an boost in prenups sealed from 2005 to
2010, with some-more women initiating a routine than ever before.
No doubt a high divorce rate has done prenups more
acceptable, though a economy competence be personification a role, too.
?With this capricious economy, there is some-more dread about
assets,? says Arlene Dubin, a New York City profession and author
of a book ?Prenups for Lovers: A Romantic Guide to Prenuptial
Agreements.? ?Clients see prenups as critical to safeguarding what
they?ve built.?
Prenups generally cover genuine estate, estate planning,
division of bank accounts, and alimony, in box a marriage
should end. Child control or support can?t be included, and
protecting retirement or grant advantages competence need extra
steps. There are also stairs that should be taken to safeguard that
the prenup binds adult in court. These include:
Many lovebirds competence find seeking their pledged to pointer a
prenup awkward, though watchful until a final notation can backfire.
?You shouldn?t be bringing it adult in a limo on a approach to the
church,? says Evan Sussman, a Beverly Hills-based divorce
attorney. ?From a authorised standpoint, we don?t wish a other
person to be means to explain compulsion later.? Sussman recommends the
subject be broached before matrimony invitations go out, or at
least several weeks before a event.
Prenups aren?t for any couple, though deliberation one often
brings onward pivotal financial questions that move some-more honesty
into a marriage. A 2010 check by a non-profit CESI Debt
Solutions found 80 percent of spouses spent income their partner
didn?t know about.
Some attorneys suggest seeking for a credit report. At the
very least, Dubin says, ?You need a line-by-line matter of
assets and liabilities so we can understanding with a ramifications.?
Student loans, credit label balances, and IRS liens are some of
the debts a associate can after be hold obliged for.
Still, Dubin says, ?Before we start this process, prepare
yourself for whatever competence come. And know during what indicate you?d
have to travel away.? The same, of course, goes for seeking for a
prenup and carrying your partner spin we down.
A second means to plea a prenup in justice is if the
couple are not represented by apart attorneys. This is to
guarantee that one spouse, customarily a less-wealthy partner, is
not taken advantage of.
?Imagine if Mark Zuckerberg wanted to marry his housekeeper
who didn?t pronounce English and he insisted she pointer a prenup,?
Hartnett says. ?Having a efficient counsel on both sides of the
table means any celebration gets a satisfactory agreement.?
That said, when selecting authorised representation, be certain the
attorney we select understands this is a start of a marriage,
not a end.
?When a counsel is overly adversarial, it can lead to a lot
of dread and ?do we adore me? questions,? says Cicily Maton,
partner during a Chicago organisation Aequus Wealth Management. ?You
should select an advocate, though do your due industry about their
Of course, prenuptial agreements can always be renegotiated
as a matrimony evolves. ?The initial breeze can always be ripped up,?
says Ginita Wall, a San Diego-based approved financial planner.
?I had one set of clients on a sixth iteration of their prenup
when they motionless to divorce.?
For a Haileys, being vigilant meant most financial
discussion. They chose in matrimony to keep all their finances
separate, including their taxation filings. They didn?t opt for a
prenup, though ?getting it all out on a list upfront means no
surprises,? Shaun Hailey says.
Instead, he says, ?We can combine on saving for the
important things, like a honeymoon.?
(Editing by Jilian Mincer, Bernadette Baum and Andrew Hay)
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Contact: Deborah Robison
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
Orlando, Fla. February 15, 2012 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham) and Florida Hospital researchers recently returned from Japan where they reviewed the progress that has been made at the mid-point of their research partnership with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Takeda). The two-year collaboration focuses on the discovery and evaluation of new therapeutic approaches to obesity. The scientists reported benchmark data that sets the stage for a key element in future drug developmentthe testing of obesity drug candidates.
"The data generated thus far lays the groundwork for analysis of how individuals respond differently to disease," said Steven R. Smith, M.D., an expert in the obesity field and scientific director of the Florida Hospital Sanford-Burnham Translational Research Institute for Metabolism and Diabetes (TRI), where the Florida Hospital portion of the work is being performed. "This partnership with Takeda, TRI and Sanford-Burnham establishes a model to accelerate the development of safe and effective therapies."
During the first year of research, the modeling of fit and obese states laid the groundwork for discovery of a candidate drug for metabolic disease. Clinical research at the TRI assessed the physiological response to dietary changes, such as high sugar or high fat consumption. Across the translational bridge at Sanford-Burnham, patient-derived samples were analyzed using advanced technologies, such as metabolomics, to measure individual response. Ultimately, these metabolic fingerprints may serve as biomarkers and novel drug targets to project how subgroups of patients may respond to new therapies.
This bold collaborative research project involves combining the results of fundamental laboratory studies at Sanford-Burnham with parallel studies conducted with human samples by the research team at Florida Hospital. The results are reviewed on a regular basis in joint meetings of the basic laboratory team at Sanford-Burnham, the clinical research team at Florida Hospital, and the Takeda scientists in Shonan, Japan. Videoconferencing, together with semi-annual face-to-face meetings, have allowed for a stimulating exchange of ideas and efficient planning for next steps. The model serves as a high-profile example of how research institutes such as Sanford-Burnham can partner with industry to accelerate discovery of new drugs and diagnostic biomarkers relevant to common diseases such as obesity and diabetes that afflict populations worldwide.
"Our research projects have progressed extremely well and we were anxious to provide a research update to our partners in Japan," said Daniel Kelly, M.D., scientific director of Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute at Lake Nona. This was not, however, Takeda's first glimpse at the data. Researchers from Takeda, which is Japan's largest pharmaceutical company, met earlier this year in Orlando. A visiting Takeda scientist also works within the Sanford-Burnham laboratories. "This type of close collaboration during the fundamental discovery phase is part of a new model for academic-commercial partnerships designed to expedite new drug candidates into the development pipeline," said Dr. Kelly.
The partnership, launched in February 2011, aligns complementary strengths in biomedical research, clinical research, and drug development to identify and validate obesity-related biomarkers and new drug targets of mutual interest. The multi-disciplinary team of basic scientists and clinical researchers at Sanford-Burnham and the TRI provides Takeda with a research continuum from laboratory bench to patient bedside.
"We're optimistic that this collaboration will contribute to Takeda's goal of identifying novel targets that will lead to the development of new therapeutics to treat patients suffering from obesity," said Paul Chapman, Ph.D., general manager of Takeda's Pharmaceutical Research Division.
The partners expect that this research agreement will set the stage for future collaborative drug discovery programs aimed at novel therapeutics to treat obesity.
About Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute is dedicated to discovering the fundamental molecular causes of disease and devising the innovative therapies of tomorrow. The Institute consistently ranks among the top five organizations worldwide for its scientific impact in the fields of biology and biochemistry (defined by citations per publication) and currently ranks third in the nation in NIH funding among all laboratory-based research institutes. Sanford-Burnham is a highly innovative organization, currently ranking second nationally among all organizations in capital efficiency of generating patents, defined by the number of patents issued per grant dollars awarded, according to government statistics.
Sanford-Burnham utilizes a unique, collaborative approach to medical research and has established major research programs in cancer, neurodegeneration, diabetes, and infectious, inflammatory, and childhood diseases. The Institute is especially known for its world-class capabilities in stem cell research and drug discovery technologies. Sanford-Burnham is a U.S.-based, non-profit public benefit corporation, with operations in San Diego (La Jolla), Santa Barbara, and Orlando (Lake Nona). For more information, please visit our website ( or blog ( You can also receive updates by following us on Facebook and Twitter.
About the TRI
The Florida Hospital Sanford-Burnham Translational Research Institute for Metabolism and Diabetes (TRI) is the product of an innovative affiliation between Florida Hospital and Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute. By linking one of the largest not-for-profit hospitals in the country with a nationally renowned basic science leader, the TRI bridges the gap between the research bench and the patient's bedside. The mission of the TRI is to extend and improve the quality of lives through the translation of fundamental scientific discoveries to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease.
The TRI's new 54,000-square-foot, technologically advanced translational research facility is currently under construction at Florida Hospital's Health Village in Orlando and is expected to open in March 2012. Florida Hospital is a designated statutory teaching hospital and also trains physicians from all around the world in the newest technologies. For additional information, please visit or
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Deborah Robison
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
Orlando, Fla. February 15, 2012 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham) and Florida Hospital researchers recently returned from Japan where they reviewed the progress that has been made at the mid-point of their research partnership with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Takeda). The two-year collaboration focuses on the discovery and evaluation of new therapeutic approaches to obesity. The scientists reported benchmark data that sets the stage for a key element in future drug developmentthe testing of obesity drug candidates.
"The data generated thus far lays the groundwork for analysis of how individuals respond differently to disease," said Steven R. Smith, M.D., an expert in the obesity field and scientific director of the Florida Hospital Sanford-Burnham Translational Research Institute for Metabolism and Diabetes (TRI), where the Florida Hospital portion of the work is being performed. "This partnership with Takeda, TRI and Sanford-Burnham establishes a model to accelerate the development of safe and effective therapies."
During the first year of research, the modeling of fit and obese states laid the groundwork for discovery of a candidate drug for metabolic disease. Clinical research at the TRI assessed the physiological response to dietary changes, such as high sugar or high fat consumption. Across the translational bridge at Sanford-Burnham, patient-derived samples were analyzed using advanced technologies, such as metabolomics, to measure individual response. Ultimately, these metabolic fingerprints may serve as biomarkers and novel drug targets to project how subgroups of patients may respond to new therapies.
This bold collaborative research project involves combining the results of fundamental laboratory studies at Sanford-Burnham with parallel studies conducted with human samples by the research team at Florida Hospital. The results are reviewed on a regular basis in joint meetings of the basic laboratory team at Sanford-Burnham, the clinical research team at Florida Hospital, and the Takeda scientists in Shonan, Japan. Videoconferencing, together with semi-annual face-to-face meetings, have allowed for a stimulating exchange of ideas and efficient planning for next steps. The model serves as a high-profile example of how research institutes such as Sanford-Burnham can partner with industry to accelerate discovery of new drugs and diagnostic biomarkers relevant to common diseases such as obesity and diabetes that afflict populations worldwide.
"Our research projects have progressed extremely well and we were anxious to provide a research update to our partners in Japan," said Daniel Kelly, M.D., scientific director of Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute at Lake Nona. This was not, however, Takeda's first glimpse at the data. Researchers from Takeda, which is Japan's largest pharmaceutical company, met earlier this year in Orlando. A visiting Takeda scientist also works within the Sanford-Burnham laboratories. "This type of close collaboration during the fundamental discovery phase is part of a new model for academic-commercial partnerships designed to expedite new drug candidates into the development pipeline," said Dr. Kelly.
The partnership, launched in February 2011, aligns complementary strengths in biomedical research, clinical research, and drug development to identify and validate obesity-related biomarkers and new drug targets of mutual interest. The multi-disciplinary team of basic scientists and clinical researchers at Sanford-Burnham and the TRI provides Takeda with a research continuum from laboratory bench to patient bedside.
"We're optimistic that this collaboration will contribute to Takeda's goal of identifying novel targets that will lead to the development of new therapeutics to treat patients suffering from obesity," said Paul Chapman, Ph.D., general manager of Takeda's Pharmaceutical Research Division.
The partners expect that this research agreement will set the stage for future collaborative drug discovery programs aimed at novel therapeutics to treat obesity.
About Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute is dedicated to discovering the fundamental molecular causes of disease and devising the innovative therapies of tomorrow. The Institute consistently ranks among the top five organizations worldwide for its scientific impact in the fields of biology and biochemistry (defined by citations per publication) and currently ranks third in the nation in NIH funding among all laboratory-based research institutes. Sanford-Burnham is a highly innovative organization, currently ranking second nationally among all organizations in capital efficiency of generating patents, defined by the number of patents issued per grant dollars awarded, according to government statistics.
Sanford-Burnham utilizes a unique, collaborative approach to medical research and has established major research programs in cancer, neurodegeneration, diabetes, and infectious, inflammatory, and childhood diseases. The Institute is especially known for its world-class capabilities in stem cell research and drug discovery technologies. Sanford-Burnham is a U.S.-based, non-profit public benefit corporation, with operations in San Diego (La Jolla), Santa Barbara, and Orlando (Lake Nona). For more information, please visit our website ( or blog ( You can also receive updates by following us on Facebook and Twitter.
About the TRI
The Florida Hospital Sanford-Burnham Translational Research Institute for Metabolism and Diabetes (TRI) is the product of an innovative affiliation between Florida Hospital and Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute. By linking one of the largest not-for-profit hospitals in the country with a nationally renowned basic science leader, the TRI bridges the gap between the research bench and the patient's bedside. The mission of the TRI is to extend and improve the quality of lives through the translation of fundamental scientific discoveries to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease.
The TRI's new 54,000-square-foot, technologically advanced translational research facility is currently under construction at Florida Hospital's Health Village in Orlando and is expected to open in March 2012. Florida Hospital is a designated statutory teaching hospital and also trains physicians from all around the world in the newest technologies. For additional information, please visit or
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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