Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Health and Fitness Talk ? Calories And Mood

Did you know that your calorie intake can have a serious influence on your mood and overall health? ?The amount of calories that you ingest can seriously affect your mood as you trigger physiological processes in your body that will cause sadness and depression.

Your body needs the right amount of foods in the proper balance to be able to function properly this is why breakfast if probably the most important meal of your day. ?One of the most popular but yet uneducated ways that people are trying to lose weight is by going without breakfast in the morning.? This technique is horrible and dangerous for ones diet and mood as your body has already gone over 8 hours without food and by withholding any food intake in the morning your blood sugar level begins to drop dramatically and this by itself can lead to feelings of sadness and depression.? Also, studies have shown that by skipping breakfast you will most probably eat way more in your next meat and thus gain more weight and again this will affect your mood overall. ?It is important to keep in mind that when you go a long time without food your body automatically begins to think that you are starving so it begins to burn your metabolism at a much slower rate and thus you burn fewer calories. ?Your blood sugar level is very to your diet and your mood as you need a steady amount of sugar to keep your body functioning at a proper level.

When a person is depressed or bored they automatically reach for something to satisfy their craving but it usually turns out to be foods high in saturated fat like potato chips (this is a normal response as the fats actually enhance your mood but only for a moment) and foods high in sugar like soft drinks and or candy.? These high sugar and fat rushes will make you feel more uppity but will shortly thereafter make one feel down and depressed.

Also power drinks high in sugar, caffeine, ginseng etc. can be horrible for ones mood as they give you high high?s immediately followed by low low?s which will surely depress you and put you in a bad mood.? Many people response to this is basically to grab another can or bottle of the high sugar energy drink and continue the up and down cycle throughout the day which can have detrimental effects on not only their mood but also their sleep habits s as it will take more time for them to fall asleep and will also have an irregular sleep throughout the night because of the high amounts of sugar and caffeine that were ingested throughout the day.

Careful attention should be taken as to what you eat throughout they day and also to the amount of water that you are ingesting as being dehydrated can also put one in a melancholy mood. ?So remember that when you reduce your calorie intake you are also wiping out key nutrients like iron and B vitamins so eat a healthy breakfast, stay away from power drinks and think of uplifting activities like going for a walk of even drinking a large glass of water to wipe out the craving for high sugar and high fat foods. ?If followed these steps will allow you to have a better quality of life and will surely put you in a better mood.



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Source: http://www.healthandfitnesstalk.com/calories-and-mood/

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